Dactylogyrus extensus 29 %, dactylogyrusanchoratus 2 %,ichthyophthirius multifiliis 10 %, trichodina nigra 7 %, capillaria spp. Dactylogyrus pisolabrae is morphologically similar to dactylogyrus apos, dactylogyrus atripinnei, dactylogyrus duquesnei, and dactylogyrus niger, all parasitizing other species of suckers, by possessing a robust, sickleshaped male copulatory. The weir consists of a row of internal and a row of external ribs rods connected by a \u27membrane\u27. In several experiments it was shown that praziquantel is effective against monogenea dactylogyrus vastator, dactylogyrus extensus parasitizing the gills of pondreared carp cyprinus carpio. Occurrence of monogeneans on some cyprinid fishes from. It is characterized by anchoratoidwegeneri type anchor with very long inner. Cyprinidae, from north carolina and south carolina, u.
Ribosomal dna and morphological analysis of dactylogyrus. Berdasarkan hasil praktikum kesehatan ikan mengenai identifikasi parasit pada ikan air tawar 1 didapatkan beberapa jenisjenis parasit yang terdapat pada ikan air tawar diantaranya yaitu pada ikan mas cyprinus carpio. Dactylogyrus is a genus of monogeneans in the dactylogyridae family. Oktener 2003 revived out investigations on the monogenean fauna of some turkish freshwater fish found. Dactylogyridae is described from the gills of the southern medaka oryzias latipes temminck and schlegel, 1846 beloniformes. Pada pemeriksaan insang yang terinfestasi dactylogyrus sp. Dactylogyrus elegantis haptor disc original, x 300.
Parasites in fresh water ornamental fish cupang, guppy and. B mo 40 5 leptobarbus hoeveni dactylogyrus leptobarbi mo 100 25 dactylogyrus sp. Seasonal changes in the abundance of parasites were evident for most taxa in which the. Occurrence of monogeneans on some cyprinid fishes from murat. These eggs are often very resistant and can survive. Dactylogyrus larrymilleri differs from its closest apparent relative, dactylogyrus ornatus rogers, 1967, by possessing a recurved accessory piece attenuating. This page was last edited on 3 september 2017, at 06. Their have a mouth and eyespots on their anterior head end and anchoring hooks on. Adrianichthyidae collected from an irrigation canal, tokushima city, tokushima prefecture, shikoku, japan. We found low prevalence throughout the year 2,5 9,0 %, while conroy et al. Dactylogyrus larrymilleri differs from its closest apparent relative, dactylogyrus ornatus rogers, 1967, by possessing a recurved accessory. Gill ectoparasites of goldfish carassius auratus pearl scale. Dactylogyrus lepidus rogers, 1 96 7 dactylogyrus luxii rogers, 1967.
Dactylogyrus lays eggs and is principally a parasite of the gills. Diesing, 1850 animalia, platyhelminthes, trematoda, dactylogyrida, dactylogyridae, dactylogyrus sp. They are parasites that can be found on the gills, occasionally skin and fins, of freshwater fish. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page.
The adults are oviparous and the eggs are released into the water to hatch. The parasites of the dactylogyrus species are monogenean trematodes of the family dactylogyridae members of the dactylogyrus species prefer to live on the gills of host fish, most often cultured cyprinids common carp, grass carp, silver carp. Notropis luxilus chrysocephalus chrysocephalus rafmesque, dactylogyrus perlus mueller, 1938 dactylogyrus bulbus mueller, 1938 dactylogyrus circumflcxus sp. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan 10 ppt dengan nilai ratarata prevalensi 37,50 %, dan intensitas dactylogyrus sp. Like other monogeneans, species of dactylogyrus only have one host required to complete their life cycle. Diversity and distribution of external parasites from. Dactylogyrus robisoni is morphologically most similar to dactylogyrus moorei monaco and mizelle, 1955, and dactylogyrus ornatus rogers, 1967, by possessing a long, slender, often sinuous copulatory accessory piece. Ectoparasite infection of carassius carassius in water. Parasite inventory on some fresh water ornamental fish was done by survey methode. Dactylogyrus species have 4 eyespots, 14 marginal hooks, two anchors, one to two connective bars and two needlelike structures and spindleshaped dacrylogyridtype seminal vesicles. Histopathologic features of the dactylogyrus spinfected. The adult lays eggs on the gill filaments which are then washed out of the gill cavity and into the water. The study was conducted to investigate the efficacy and physio. Efficacy of single and multiple doses of fenbendazole against.
Dactylogyrus vastator has one host and no intermediate hosts. New hosts are located and infected by freeliving larvae oncomiracidium. Monogeneans of the genera dactylogyrus and gyrodactylus commonly affect freshwater fish. The lower prevalence and intesity of dactylogyrus sp. Pdf prevalensi dan derajat infeksi dactylogyrus sp. The cilia of the flame are anchored in the terminal cell by means of basal bodies without distinct rootlets. The phylogenetic relationships and species richness of host. Fifty years of observations about the changes of dactylogyrus. Representative specimens ofthe digenea, castoda and aeanthocephala werestained digeneaandaeanthoeephala ingrenac.
Chemicals are the main method of treatment and control. Specimens of dactylogyrus anchoratus resembles with the account as given by paperna 1959 in most of the morphological details differencing in some minor features. Jenis dan tingkat serangan cacing parasitik berdasarkan. The prevalence of dactylogyrus infection on fish differ depending on the seasons. Monogeneans may be oviparous egg laying or viviparous. The host specificity of fish parasites is considered a useful parasite characteristic with respect to understanding the biogeography of their fish hosts. The phylogenetic relationships and historical dispersions of several. Their have a mouth and eyespots on their anterior head end and anchoring hooks on their posterior. Of 100 species currently known from african continent, approximately 35 have been described from enteromius spp. Dactylogyrus predominantly affects the gills, whereas gyrodactylus is more commonly found on the skin monogeneans affecting marine fish include the capsalids.
Results of recent studies indicate that there are still many undescribed species of the genus dactylogyrus in south africa and systematic surveys can bring many new findings. Identifikasi infeksi ektoparasit pada ikan mas neliti. Histopathologic features of the dactylogyrus sp infected gills in the ornamental marine fish in the present study, dactylogyrus sp. Ultrastructure of the protonephridial system of dactylogyrus. Dactylogyrus is a monogean parasite that is usually found on the gills of cyprinidae fishes. Ultrastructure of the protonephridial system of dactylogyrus sp. Transmission of monogenetic trematodes occurred from fish to other by direct contact or contaminated water. Dactylogyrus diesing, 1850 monogenea includes common parasites of cyprinids exhibiting different degrees of host specificity, i. Monogenean parasites of the genus dactylogyrus diesing, 1850 parasitize mostly gills of cyprinoids hosts. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui salinitas optimal yang dapat mengendali dactylogyrus sp. Download fulltext pdf identification of dactylogyrus spp.
The egg is released by a gravid adult and settles to the bottom of a pond where it develops until an immature adult emerges. Cacing parasitik dactylogyrus sp yang menginfeksi ikan patin dalam larutan nacl fisiologis 0,85% dengan perbesaran 4 x10 lensa objekti f. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. A new species of monogenean, dactylogyrus pisolabrae n. Monogenea from the gills of the african carp, labeo coubie ruppell cyprinidae, from senegal, with descriptions of three new species of dactylogyrus and the redescription of dactylogyrus cyclocirrus paperna, 1973. Cyprinus carpio, dominansi, ektoparasit, identifikasi,prevalensi. Infected fish become restless and collect in large number at water inlet. Acanthocephala, nematoda and argulus were transferred to glyeerinealcohol. B mo 10 nc thelohanellus jiroveci my 10 nc cyprinus carpio dactylogyrus minutes mo 80 10 dactylogyrus sp. Pengendalian infestasi ektoparasit dactylogyrus sp. Monogenean trematodes, which have direct life cycles, are common, highly pathogenic, obligatory parasites of the skin and gills.
Seasonal variations in parasites found in mullet mugil. Infested carp were incubated for 30, 60, 90, 120 or 180 min at 22 c in water containing 0. Parasites found from cupang fish namely trichodinid ciliophora, dactylogyrus sp. Journal of aquaculture management and technology volume 5. The present specimens of dactylogyrus anchoratus were collected on different host cyprinus carpio. The nucleus of the terminal cell is basal, and in dactylogyrus partly lateral to the basal bodies. It was found that dactylogyrus infections are at their greatest during late autumn or early winter.
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